I do research mostly in the areas of information theory and machine learning where I focus on fundamental limitations of what can or cannot be achieved.
Career Factors Related to Winning Olympic Medals in Swimming
with P. Chaudron, N. Girard, A. Monnier, D.B. Pyne, P. Hellard
to appear in PlosOne, 2024
Feedback Increases the Capacity of Queues with Bounded Support Service Times
with K. R. Sahasranand
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th. 2024
Local Decoding in Distributed Compression
with S. Vatedka and V. Chandar
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, Special Issue on Modern Compression, 2023
Reconfigurable Adaptive Channel Sensing
with M. Mukherjee and C. Jabbour
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2023
Error-Correction for Sparse Support Recovery Algorithms
with M. Mehrabi
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2022
Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution in Per-Sample Zero-Dispersion Model of Optical Fiber
with J. Fahs and M. Yousefi
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2021
Local Decoding and Update for Big Data Compression
with S. Vatedka
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2020
Bits Through Queues with Feedback
with L. Aptel
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2020
Somatic Mutations Render Human Exome and Pathogen DNA more Similar
with E. Ebrahimzadeh, M. Engler, R. Cristescu, and D. Tse
PlosOne, 2019
Second-Order Asymptotics for Communication under Strong Asynchronism
with L. Li
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2019
Security of Distance Bounding: a Survey
with many colleagues
ACM Computing Surveys, 2018
Sampling Constrained Asynchronous Communication: How to Sleep Efficiently
with V. Chandar
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2018
Lattice Codes for the Binary Deletion Channel
with L. Sok, Patrick Solé and J.-C. Belfiore
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2018
Distributed Function Computation Over a Rooted Directed Tree
with M. Sefidgaran
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2016
Energy and Sampling Constrained Asynchronous Communication
with V. Chandar and G. Caire
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2014
Asynchronous Communication: Capacity Bounds and Suboptimality of Training
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2013
Asynchronous Capacity per Unit Cost
with V. Chandar and D.N.C. Tse
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2013.
Estimating a Random Walk First-Passage Time from Noisy or Delayed Observations
with M. Burnashev
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2012
Sequential Estimation of a Gaussian Random Walk First-Passage Time from Correlated Observations
with M. Burnashev
Probl. Inf. Transm., 2012
Tracking a Gaussian Random Walk First-Passage Time Through Noisy Observations
with M. Burnashev
Annals of Applied Probability, 2012
On Bounded Weight Codes
with C. Bachoc, V. Chandar, G. Cohen, and P. Solé
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2011
Communication under Strong Asynchronism
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2009
Tracking Stopping Times Through Noisy Observations
with U. Niesen
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2009
Optimal Sequential Frame Synchronization
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2008
Secure Broadcasting over Fading Channels
with A. Khisti and G. Wornell
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2008
Variable Length Coding over an Unknown Channel
with E. Telatar
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2006
On the Use of Training Sequences for Channel Estimation
with E. Telatar
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th., 2006
On the Universality of Burnashev's Error Exponent
with E. Telatar
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2005
On the Discreteness of Capacity-Achieving Distributions
Aslan Tchamkerten
IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., 2004
A Note on Bursty MAC, April 2015
Devices and methods for low-power adaptive channel sensing
US20230030851A1, with C. Jabbour and M. Mukherjee, Institut-Mines Telecom
Method for transient change detection with adaptive sampling, and detector
WO/2016/102999, with V. Chandar, Institut-Mines Telecom and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Entropy-Achieving Compression with Private Local Decodability
with S. Vatedka and V. Chandar
ISIT 2024.
Data Compression with Private Local Decodability
with S. Vatedka and V. Chandar
ISIT 2023.
Feedback Increases the Capacity of Queues with Finite Support Service Times
with K. R. Sahasranand
ITA 2020 (invited), ISIT 2023.
Locally Decodable Slepian-Wolf Compression
with S. Vatedka and V. Chandar
ISIT 2022.
Error-Correction for Sparse Support Recovery Algorithms
with M. Mehrabi
ISIT 2021.
Locally Decodable and Update Efficient Data Compression
Best poster award
with S. Vatedka and V. Chandar
2021 Stanford Compression Workshop (invited).
Approximating Probability Distributions by ReLU Networks
with M. Mukherjee and M. Yousefi
ITW 2020 (postponed to 2021).
Zero-Error Sum Modulo Two with a Common Observation
with M. Sefidgaran
ITW 2020 (postponed to 2021).
O(loglogn) Worst-Case Local Decoding and Update Efficiency for Data Compression
extended version , Video
with S. Vatedka and V. Chandar
ISIT 2020.
Distribution Generation Power of Neural Networks
with M. Mukherjee and M. Yousefi
ITA 2020 (invited).
Local Decoding and Update of Compressed Data
with S. Vatedka
ITA 2019 (invited), and ISIT 2019.
On the Optimal Input of the Nondispersive Optical Fiber
with J. Fahs and M. Yousefi
ISIT 2019.
Bounds on the approximation power of feedforward neural networks
with M. Mehrabi and M. Yousefi
ICML 2018.
Feedback increases the capacity of queues
with L. Aptel
ISIT 2018.
Infinite dispersion in bursty communication
with L. Li
ISIT 2017.
How to quickly detect a change while sleeping (almost) all the time
with V. Chandar
Asilomar 2016, invited.
Asynchronous Capacity per Unit Cost under a Receiver Sampling Constraint
with V. Chandar
ISIT 2015.
Sequential Detection of Transient CHanges in Stochastic Systems under a Sampling Constraint
with E. Ebrahimzadeh
ISIT 2015.
Quickest Transient Change-Detection: Finding a Needle in a Haystack with a Minimum Number of Observations
with V. Chandar
ITA 2015, invited.
Transient Change-Point Detection And Isolation Under A Sampling Constraint
with V. Chandar and G. Caire
IWAP 2014, invited.
Editing in Manhattan
with L. Sok and Patrick Solé
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), invited.
Most Informative Quantization Functions
with V. Chandar
ITA 2014, invited.
Distributed function computation over a tree network
with M. Sefidgaran
ITW 2013, invited.
Lattice-Based Codes for Insertion and Deletion Channels
with L. Sok and Patrick Solé
ISIT 2013.
Energy and sampling constrained asynchronous communication
with V. Chandar and G. Caire
ITA 2013 (invited), and ISIT 2013.
On the capacity of the one-bit deletion and duplication channel
with H. Mirghasemi
Allerton 2012.
Computing a function over a cascade network
with M. Sefidgaran
ITW 2012, invited.
On cooperation in multi-terminal computation and rate-distortion
with M. Sefidgaran
ISIT 2012.
Computing a function of correlated sources: a rate region
with M. Sefidgaran
ISIT 2011.
Estimating a Gaussian random walk first-passage time from noisy or delayed observations
with M. Burnashev
ISIT 2011.
Sequential estimation of a Gaussian random walk first-passage time from noisy or delayed observations slides
with M. Burnashev
IWSM 2011, invited.
Estimating a Wiener process first-passage time from noisy or delayed observations
with M. Burnashev
Asymptotical Statistics of Stochastic Processes VIII (SAPS 2011), invited.
Tracking a random walk first-passage time from noisy or delayed observations
with M. Burnashev
Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA 2011), invited.
Tracking threshold crossing times of a Gaussian random walk through correlated observations slides
with M. Burnashev
International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP 2010), invited.
Asynchronous capacity per unit cost slides
with V. Chandar and D. Tse
ISIT 2010.
Heavy weight codes
with G. Cohen and P. Solé
ISIT 2010.
Training-based schemes are suboptimal for high rate asynchronous communication paper slides
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2009).
An efficient distance bounding RFID authentication protocol: balancing false-acceptance rate and memory requirement paper
with G. Avoine
Information Security Conference (ISC 2009).
A new paradigm for asynchronous communication: detection, isolation, and coding slides
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
IWSM 2009, invited.
Change-point detection of a stopping time through noisy observations slides
with U. Niesen
International Workshop on Sequential Methodologies (IWSM 2009), invited.
On the capacity region of asynchronous channels
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
ISIT 2008.
Frame alignment and communication under strong asynchronism
with V. Chandar and G. Wornell
Allerton 2007.
The complexity of tracking a stopping time
with U. Niesen and G. Wornell
ISIT 2007.
Secure broadcasting with multiuser diversity
with A. Khisti and G. Wornell
Allerton 2006.
Tracking stopping times
with U. Niesen and G. Wornell
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton 2006).
Information-theoretic perspectives on synchronization
with A. Khisti and G. Wornell
ISIT 2006.
On the use of training sequences for channel estimation
with E. Telatar
ISIT 2005.
On the universality of Burnashev's error exponent
with E. Telatar
ISIT 2005.
Optimal feedback schemes over unknown channels
with E. Telatar
ISIT 2004.
Reliability and latency in binary communication
with E. Telatar
ISIT 2003 .
A feedback strategy for the binary symmetric channels
with E. Telatar
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2002).
On the discrete character of optimal input distributions
A. Tchamkerten
JCCC 2002.
Feedback Communication over Unknown Channels
Ph.D., EPFL, March 2005.
Information Theoretic and Statistical Perspectives on Asynchronism
HDR., Université Paris-Est, July 2011.